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Hash methods

sha256 compression

Performs a sha256 compression on an input and initial state, returning the resulting state.

pub fn sha256_compression(input: [u32; 16], state: [u32; 8]) -> [u32; 8] {}
Source code: noir_stdlib/src/hash/

This is a black box function. Read this section to learn more about black box functions in Noir.


Given an array of bytes, returns an array with the Blake2 hash

pub fn blake2s<let N: u32>(input: [u8; N]) -> [u8; 32]
Source code: noir_stdlib/src/hash/


fn main() {
let x = [163, 117, 178, 149]; // some random bytes
let hash = std::hash::blake2s(x);

This is a black box function. Read this section to learn more about black box functions in Noir.


Given an array of bytes, returns an array with the Blake3 hash

pub fn blake3<let N: u32>(input: [u8; N]) -> [u8; 32]
Source code: noir_stdlib/src/hash/


fn main() {
let x = [163, 117, 178, 149]; // some random bytes
let hash = std::hash::blake3(x);

This is a black box function. Read this section to learn more about black box functions in Noir.


Given an array of Fields, returns the Pedersen hash.

pub fn pedersen_hash<let N: u32>(input: [Field; N]) -> Field
Source code: noir_stdlib/src/hash/


fn main(x: Field, y: Field, expected_hash: Field) {
let hash = std::hash::pedersen_hash([x, y]);
assert_eq(hash, expected_hash);
Source code: test_programs/execution_success/pedersen_hash/src/

This is a black box function. Read this section to learn more about black box functions in Noir.


Given an array of Fields, returns the Pedersen commitment.

pub fn pedersen_commitment<let N: u32>(input: [Field; N]) -> EmbeddedCurvePoint {
Source code: noir_stdlib/src/hash/


fn main(x: Field, y: Field, expected_commitment: std::embedded_curve_ops::EmbeddedCurvePoint) {
let commitment = std::hash::pedersen_commitment([x, y]);
assert_eq(commitment.x, expected_commitment.x);
assert_eq(commitment.y, expected_commitment.y);
Source code: test_programs/execution_success/pedersen_commitment/src/

This is a black box function. Read this section to learn more about black box functions in Noir.


Given an initial [u64; 25] state, returns the state resulting from applying a keccakf1600 permutation ([u64; 25]).

pub fn keccakf1600(input: [u64; 25]) -> [u64; 25] {}
Source code: noir_stdlib/src/hash/

This is a black box function. Read this section to learn more about black box functions in Noir.


Given an array of Fields, returns a new Field with the Poseidon Hash. Mind that you need to specify how many inputs are there to your Poseidon function.

// example for hash_1, hash_2 accepts an array of length 2, etc
fn hash_1(input: [Field; 1]) -> Field


use std::hash::poseidon;

fn main(x1: [Field; 2], y1: pub Field, x2: [Field; 4], y2: pub Field) {
let hash1 = poseidon::bn254::hash_2(x1);
assert(hash1 == y1);

let hash2 = poseidon::bn254::hash_4(x2);
assert(hash2 == y2);
Source code: test_programs/execution_success/poseidon_bn254_hash/src/

poseidon 2

Given an array of Fields, returns a new Field with the Poseidon2 Hash. Contrary to the Poseidon function, there is only one hash and you can specify a message_size to hash only the first message_size bytes of the input,

// example for hashing the first three elements of the input
Poseidon2::hash(input, 3);


use std::hash::poseidon2;

fn main(inputs: [Field; 4], expected_hash: Field) {
let hash = poseidon2::Poseidon2::hash(inputs, inputs.len());
assert_eq(hash, expected_hash);
Source code: test_programs/execution_success/poseidon2/src/


fn hash_to_field(_input : [Field]) -> Field {}

Calculates the blake2s hash of the inputs and returns the hash modulo the field modulus to return a value which can be represented as a Field.